Coach-Athlete commitment Policy.
1) Your Coach’s commitment to you.
a) Confidentiality.
All information you provide your coach will be kept in confidence. Your personal details and medical information will not be made available to third parties unless permission to do so is granted by you.
B) Recommendations.
Using your coach’s judgement and experience, they will suggest certain exercises and other lifestyle advice that they believe will help you achieve your personal goals, but if at any time your have any specific requests, please inform your coach so that they can accommodate them. Exercise recommendations will consist of one or more of the following fitness components: aerobic, resistance (including power, strength, and endurance), speed (including change of direction and agility) flexibility and mobility exercises. You are encouraged to ask any questions or request further explanations about any procedures at any time before, during and after any training session. Your coach retains the right to terminate any training sessions upon observation of any symptoms or undue distress or abnormal response.
C) Referral.
Your coach intends to work with you within the scope of their knowledge and competencies as a Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA) Personal Training Practitioner and Strength & Conditioning Coach. Therefore, when your coach believes that it is in your best interests to see another health professional, they will refer you appropriately.
D) Last-minute Cancelations.
Unforeseen circumstances may arise which require your Personal Strength & Conditioning Coaching sessions or Strength & Conditioning Classes to be rescheduled. In this event, the following policy will apply:
If your coach is forced to cancel your session/class within 24 hours, they will make up the session at no extra charge to you.
If your coach is forced to cancel your session with more than 24 hours’ notice, they will reschedule as soon as possible.
If your coach runs late in starting your session, they will extend the session time accordingly, or make it up at a future date, whichever is most convenient to you.
2. Your responsibilities to your coach.
A) Disclosure of information.
Please disclose all health information as requested at your initial consultation and keep your coach updates and informed of any changes to your health status. This includes all medical conditions; physical, mental, injuries, allergies and medication. If necessary, you may need to seek clearance from your doctor before participation in any exercise programme recommended by your coach. Changes to your health status can be disclosed to your coach by completing and submitting the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q+), which can be accessed by heading to Proactive Reporting.
B) Accepting Potential Risks.
While for most people exercise is hugely positive with many health benefits, there remains some potential risks to health. Such potential risks include, but are not limited to, musculoskeletal injuries (e.g., strains and sprains), episodes of transient light-headedness or loss of consciousness. By completing the informed consent form as a part of the PAR-Q+ and undertaking any services provided by Empower Strength & Conditioning and their staff, you are wilfully assuming such risks and release Empower Strength & Conditioning and their staff from any liability with respect to any damage or injury (including death) that you may suffer during exercise. It is your responsibility to inform your coach of any abnormal symptoms that you may suffer whilst exercising and you may stop or delay any exercise if you so desire.
If you cancel your Personal Strength & Conditioning Coaching session with less than 24 hours’ notice, or fail to show, you will be required to pay 100% of the session fee. If you cancel your Personal Strength & Conditioning session with more than 24 hours’ notice, your session will be rescheduled as soon as possible. If you are late to a session, your coach will do their best to get the most out of the remaining time left in the session, as your coach is unable to run over time due to previously arranged client committments. If you are more than 15 minutes late, your coach is unable to conduct the session due to insufficient time to complete a safe and effective warm-up and will subsequently be considered as a failure to show; you will be required to pay 100% of the session fee. The only exception to the cancelation fee is if you have had a medical emergency in less than 24 hours before the pre-arranged session, and have been either hospitalised or have been recommended by a medical professional to avoid participation in sport, physical activity and/or exercise. If you need to reschedule, cancel or are running late for a session, please contact your coach as soon as possible or email
D) Cancelations FOR Classes.
As our classes are delivered using a membership structure, if you are unable to attend any class, you will still be required to pay your monthly fee to keep your membership and access to classes. If you are late to a class, your coach will do their best to deliver a warm-up for you, as long as it does not disrupt the delivery of the rest of the class. If you are more than 15 minutes late, you will not be permitted to join the class due to insufficient time for your coach to complete a safe and effective warm-up. If you are suffering for long-term injury or illness and wish to freeze your membership, or if you wish to cancel your membership, please email
E) Preparation for training.
To get the most out of your session, it is recommended that you:
Have a small snack or light meal 2-3 hours before your session.
Are well hydrated (2-2.5 litres of water consumed per day) and avoid alcohol prior to training. We do have free filtered drinking water available on-site, but you must bring your own water bottle. Alternatively, bottled water can be purchased on-site.
If you are unwell, inform your coach as early as possible.
Wear appropriate gym/fitness clothing (e.g., shorts, jogging bottoms, leggings, t-shirt, hooded jacket). If your coach deems your clothing is unsuitable to perform exercise in safely, you will not be permitted to participate that day. If you are unsure what to wear, please ask your coach beforehand. While we do not have designated changing facilities on-site, we have the sport therapy clinic available for changing if required, as long as they are not currently in use.
Are ready at the appointed time. Please aim to be on-site 5 minutes before your arranged session or class.
F) Communication and Commitment.
While your coach can give you the tools and encouragement to reach your goals, ultimately you will need to assume responsibility for making the required changes. Your coach can best help you with this process if you keep them fully informed of any issues that arise for you. If you have any questions or concerns whatsoever, please do not hesitate to voice them with your coach.
3. Terms of this Agreement
By undertaking any services at Empower Strength & Conditioning, you acknowledge that you are paying Empower Strength & Conditioning for the services outlined in this agreement (e.g., Personal Strength & Conditioning Coaching sessions and/or Strength & Conditioning classes) as agreed upon during your initial consultation or gym induction with your coach. If you do not use the services, you will still be responsible to make payments until you inform your coach in writing that you wish to freeze or cancel your payments. Any paid amounts will not be refunded for any reason, but any excess payments will offset any future fees or other services. Your coach will deliver their sessions/class and advice to the best of their ability and knowledge, will be resisted with CIMSPA, and will always respect all applicable UK laws and the CIMSPA Code of Conduct. You agree to make all payments by the due date, with latest being 30 days from the date of invoice. If you do not make payment by the due date, you will be charged an additional 50% of any outstanding invoice.